Single deck games are pretty much restricted to Nevada casinos. In the
casinos that have one-deck games, the tables are usually full. Multiple
deck games typically consist of an even number of decks (2, 4, 6, 8) although
a few casinos use 5 or 7 decks. There are two main reasons many casinos
use multiple decks: They allow the dealer to deal more hands per hour,
thereby increasing the casino take, and they reduce (but in no way eliminate)
the player advantage gained from card counting.
The rules the dealer must play by are very simple. If the dealer's hand
is 16 or less, they must take a card. If the dealer's hand is 17 or more,
they must stand. Note that some casinos allow the dealer to hit on soft
17, which gives the house a very small additional advantage. The dealer's
strategy is fixed and what you and the other players have is immaterial
to him/her as far as hitting and standing is concerned.
The player can do most anything he/she wants as far as hitting and standing
goes. Should a player get a Blackjack (first 2 cards are an Ace and a
ten) the payoff is 150% more than the original bet (i.e., bet $10.00 and
the payoff is $15.00). Doubling down is restricted to 2-card hands usually
totaling 9, 10, or 11, but some casinos allow doubling down on any 2-card
hand. If your first two cards provide you with the appropriate total and
your cards were dealt face down, turn them over and put them on the dealer's
side of the betting square.
If your first two cards provide you with the appropriate total and your
cards were dealt face up, point to them and say "double" when
the dealer prompts you for a card and simultaneously put an equal amount
of chips next to (not on top of) those already in the betting box. The
dealer will give you one more card only, then will move on to the next
hand (the next person in line towards third base). If you have a pair
that you want to split and your cards are dealt face down, turn them over
and place them a few inches apart. If your cards were dealt face up, point
to your cards and say "split" when the dealer prompts you for
a card. The original bet will go with one card and you will have to place
an equal amount of chips near the other card. You are now playing two
hands, each as though they were regular hands. The exception to this occurs
if you have just split two aces. In that case, you usually only get one
card which will hopefully be a 10. If it is a ten, that hand's total is
now 21 but the hand isn't considered a Blackjack. That is, you are paid
1:1 and not 1:1.5 as for a natural Blackjack (sometimes just called a
Here's a combined example of above two plays: Say you are dealt two fives.
You split them. The next card Top of Page is another 5 and you re-split
them. Three hands have grown out of one and you are now in for three times
your original bet. But wait. Say the next card is a six. So one hand is
a 5,6 which gives you eleven; another just has a 5 and the other hand
has a 5. You decide to double down on the first hand. You are dealt a
7 giving 18 which you stand on. Now a ten is dealt for the second hand
and you decide to stay at 15. The last hand is the lonely third 5, which
is dealt a four for a total of nine. You decide to double down and get
an eight giving that hand a total of 17. You started with a twenty dollar
bet and now you are in for a hundred! Better hope the dealer doesn't end
up with a hand more than 18 lest you lose a C-note. It was dangerous to
split two fives because you are replacing a hand that is great for drawing
on or doubling down on, by what will probably be two poor hands. Insurance
comes into play when the dealer's up card is an Ace. At this point all
the players have two cards.
The dealer does not check the hole card before asking the players if they
want insurance, as they can't give away the value of the hole card if
they don't know what it is. If a player wants insurance, half the original
bet is placed on the semicircle labeled "insurance" which is
printed on the table. If the dealer has a Blackjack the player wins the
side bet (the insurance bet) but loses the original bet, thus providing
no net loss or gain since insurance pays 2 to 1. If the dealer does not
have a Blackjack, the side bet is lost and the hand is played normally.
If you are not counting cards, don't bother with insurance. The proper
Basic Strategy play is to decline. The time to take insurance is when
the number of non-tens to tens drops below a 2 to 1 margin since insurance
pays 2 to 1.
Surrender is a fairly obscure option that originated in Manila in 1958
and isn't available in many casinos. There are two versions, "early
surrender" and "late surrender". Early surrender allows
players to quit two-card hands after seeing the up card of the dealer.
This option provides the player with an additional 0.62 percent favorable
advantage (significant). Obviously this couldn't last ling and most Atlantic
City casinos abandoned the option in 1982. Late surrender is the same
as early except that the player must wait until the dealer checks for
a Blackjack. If the dealer does not have a Blackjack then the player may
surrender. Page 1 Of The Blackjack Guide Is >> HERE
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